

Reporting is an integral part of CASYS, there are standard reports for specific modules, monitors and management tools, You can also design and create your own specific reports which can be used in real time for greater control of the process whether you use inhouse readers, or contractors.

CASYS comes standard with conventional reports such as:

  • Jobs completed
  • Jobs not completed
  • Can't Do
  • Comments
  • Freeform Comments
  • New service

In addition, we can customise reports specifically for your needs, or you can use our built in report writer thet allows you to create simple spreadsheet style custom reports as needed to cater for non standard, one off, or other reporting needs.



Monitors and dashboards provide a rapid insight into daily, weekly, monthly, or cycle progress. The monitor can provide details real time statistics, or a graphical representation of completed work, or work in progress.

Reports can be cut & paste into spreadsheets, word documents, emails and most third party software packages.

More complex reports, forms and letters such as; statistics, graphs and mapping can be created and/or customised for you.

Reports can be linked to daily monitors for groups, or individual users to monitor performance, or progress as part of your system dashboard.

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